FEEL IT - An easy and enjoyable way to explore your emotions in safety




Feel It is an experiential immersion into the work of Dr. Susan David, an award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist who has pioneered her work on Emotional Agility.

We mix the wisdom of Emotional Agility with the joyful and playful formulas of Secret Sunrise into a transformative 60-minute guided music journey led by facilitator Brett W. Simpson. This unique experience is specifically designed to help you release stress, create inner space, and find emotional relief in the face of uncertainty and challenges.

It borrows its name from the esteemed Holocaust survivor Edith Edgar, as she famously guided her clients to Feel it This immersion employs the power of music and nature to guide you through a spectrum of emotions within a safe environment.


Emotionally agile people demonstrate flexibility in dealing with a fast-changing, complex world. They are able to tolerate high levels of stress and endure setbacks while remaining engaged, open, and receptive. They understand that life isn’t always easy, but they continue to act according to their most cherished values and long-term goals.

Dr. Susan Davids


Through the harmonious blend of nature and music, Feel It invites you to embark on a deeply immersive journey. It provides a space for you to connect with your emotions, allowing you to experience a sense of release and find solace amidst the complexities of life.

This experience is designed to make emotional agility accessible. By participating in Feel It, you will be invited to tap into your inner world, find moments of serenity, and gain a renewed sense of clarity and well-being.

Join us for Feel it and embark on this guided exploration that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and more resilient in the face of life’s challenges.


Between stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Frankl, 1946